Animal Care

Summary of Department

At our school farm, students can learn the skills of animal husbandry, helping to take care of the animals, collect fresh eggs and become involved in the designing and building of pens and fencing. Young people are encouraged to also grow their own fresh vegetables, herbs and flowers at the farm.There are many therapeutic benefits for young people of working on the farm and attendance is planned as part of the educational day with a classroom available at the farm. Further expansion of the farm is planned by the farm manager to include larger livestock.

The farm has recently moved some of the animals to the large field (owned by New Forest Care to the side of the current farm). This has enabled additional car parking space to be freed up for visitors.

Animals include pigs, piglets, goats, chickens, ducks, tortoises as well as petting animals including guinea pig and rabbits reside at the farm.

The farm offers APT Awards and BTEC’s in Horticulture and Animal Management, whilst Key Stage 3 students follow a series of ‘star awards’ designed to prepare students for our KS4 courses.