Students are encourage to take ownership of their work, and this is highly encouraged in KS4. The students are able to review their own work, highlighting areas of weakness, and bring these forward to the teacher to work towards.

Completing past papers and having the ownership to mark their own and peers, along with recording of results helps the students understand the requirements to pass the exam, but also allows them to familiarise themselves with the layout of exams. It has been evident in the past that our students have heighten anxieties when it comes to exams due to the unknown. This allow the exams to become second nature, eliminate some and maybe all anxieties from the exams on the day they take them.

Students will be cover:

  • Identify the ICT requirements of a straightforward task;
    • 4.1: Use ICT to plan and organise work
  • Interact with and use ICT systems to meet requirements of a straightforward task in a familiar context;
    • Select and use software application to meet needs and solve straightforward problems
    • Select and use interface features effectively to meet needs
    • Adjust system settings as appropriate to individual needs
  • Manage information storage;
    • Work with files, folders and others media to access, organise, store, label and retrieve information
  • Follow and demonstrate understanding of the need for safety and security practices;
    • Demonstrate how to create, use and maintain secure passwords
    • Demonstrate how to minimise the risk of computer viruses
  • Search techniques to locate and select relevant information;
    • Search engines, queries
  • Select information from a variety of ICT sources for a straightforward task;
    • Recognise and take account of currency, relevance, bias and copyright when selecting and using information
  • Developing, presenting and communicating information;
    • Apply editing, formatting and layout techniques to meet needs, including text, tables, graphics, records, numbers, charts, graphs or other digital content
  • Enter, develop and refine information using appropriate software to meet the requirements of straightforward tasks;
    • Process numerical data
    • Display numerical data in a graphical format
    • Use field names and data types to organise information
    • Enter, search, sort and edit records
    • Use appropriate software to meet requirements of straightforward data-handling task
  • Use communications software to meet requirements of a straightforward task;
    • Read, send and receive electronic messages with attachments
    • Demonstrate understanding of the need to stay safe and to respect others when using ICT-based communication
  • Combine information within a publication for a familiar audience and purpose;
    • For print and for viewing on screen
    • Check for accuracy and meaning
  • Evaluate own use of ICT tools;
    • At each stage of a task and at the task’s completion
  • Plan solutions to complex tasks by analysing the necessary stages;
    • Use ICT to plan and analyse complex or multi-step tasks and activities and to make decisions about suitable approaches
  • Select, interact with and use ICT systems safely and securely for a complex task in non-routine and unfamiliar contexts;
    • Select and use software applications to meet needs and solve complex problems
    • Select and use a range of interface features and system facilities effectively to meet needs
    • Select and use a range of interface features and system facilities effectively to meet needs
    • Respond to ICT problems and take appropriate action
    • Understand the danger of computer viruses and how to minimise risk
  • Manage information storage to enable efficient retrieval;
    • Manage files, folders and other media storage to enable efficient information retrieval
  • Use appropriate search techniques to locate and select relevant information;
    • Search engines, queries and AND/ NOT/OR, >,<,>=,<=, contains, begins with, use of wild cards
  • Select information from a variety of sources to meet requirements of a complex task;
    • Recognise and take account of copyright and other constraints on the use of information
    • Evaluate fitness for purpose of information
  • Enter, develop and refine information using appropriate software to meet requirements of a complex task;
    • Apply a range of editing, formatting and layout techniques to meet needs, including text, tables, graphics, records, numerical data, charts, graphs or other digital content
  • Use appropriate software to meet the requirements of a complex data handling task;
    • Process and analyse numerical data
    • Display numerical data in appropriate graphical format
    • Use appropriate field names and data types to organise information
    • Analyse and draw conclusions from a data set by searching, sorting and editing records
  • Use communications software to meet requirements of a complex task;
    • Organise electronic messages, attachments and contacts
    • Use collaborative tools appropriately
    • Understand the need to stay safe and to respect others when using ICT-based communication
  • Combine and present information in ways that are fit for purpose and audience;
    • Organise and integrate information of different types to achieve a purpose, using accepted layouts and conventions as appropriate
    • Work accurately and check accuracy, using software facilities where appropriate
  • Evaluate the selection, use and effectiveness of ICT tools and facilities used to present information;
    • At each stage of a task and at the task’s