FCSE Spanish

The AQA FCSE (Foundation Certificate of Secondary Education) can be used as a standalone qualification or as a preparation for GCSE. The topics and themes are closely linked to those at GCSE and the knowledge and skills are directly transferrable:

Theme 1: My World

Theme 2: Holidays

Theme 3: Lifestyle

Theme 4: My Community

The FCSE is flexible and can be studied as a Full Course which provides accreditation for all four skill areas, or as a Short Course in either Spoken Language (Listening and Speaking) or Written Language (Reading and Writing).


There are 3 levels of award: Pass, Merit, Distinction.

A Distinction is roughly equivalent to a Grade 3 at GCSE.

There is no end of course exam. Over the course of 1 or 2 years, students must complete one assignment in each skill for three different units taken from three different themes. All assignments are marked by the teacher and moderated by the exam board.

Further Information

More information on the FCSE in Spanish can be found on the AQA Website