GCSE Geography
The AQA Geography GCSE comprises of 3 units of work:
- Unit 1: Physical Geography
- Unit 2: Human Geography
- Unit 3: Local Fieldwork
Physical Geography
Section A
- The Restless Earth
- Rocks, Resources and Scenery
- Challenge of Weather and Climate
- Living World
Section B
- Water on the Land
- Ice on the Land
- The Coastal Zone
Style of Assessment
1 hour 30 minute examination
Candidates answer three questions, one from Section A and one from Section B plus free choice of one other.
Human Geography
Section A
- Population Change
- Changing Urban Environments
- Changing Rural Environments
Section B
- The Development Gap
- Globalisation
- Tourism
Style of Assessment
1 hour 30 minute examination Candidates answer three questions, one from Section A and one from Section B plus free choice of one other Spelling, punctuation and grammar will be assessed in this unit.
Local Fieldwork
Local Fieldwork Investigation
Marked out of 60.
Maximum word guidance of 2000.
6 hour write-up under direct supervision.